How To Practice Self-Care This Mother’s Day

With life so different this Mother’s Day, it’s difficult to carve out time for self-care; after all, it’s not like you can escape for a weekend away or even a treatment at your favourite local beauty salon. 

However, it’s more important than ever to look after yourself when you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. Remember to take a tip from the classic airline safety message – put on your own oxygen mask first and then tend to others.  

Stealing an hour to pamper and care for yourself is not selfish. It’s survival. And self-care is all about finding meaning in life and doing things that support our growth as individuals, resulting in increased self-compassion… win-win!  

Do whatever works for you 

The key is to focus on what already brings you joy and makes your heart smile. Request some me-time this Mother’s Day, and focus entirely on what you feel like doing – without having to cater to the whims of any children or other family members!  

If you’re not sure where to get started, why not try… 

  • Moving. Any form of movement releases endorphins which are great for the body. Whether it’s outside by the beach or even indoors around the living room, physical activity is bound to boost your mood.   
  • Creating. Whether it’s baking, painting or picking up the guitar you haven’t tried to play in years, there’s a sense of healthy self-accomplishment that goes along with creating.  
  • Connecting. Get in touch with an old friend you haven’t messaged in a while. A simple, “Hey, I’ve been thinking of you, hope you’re well” can go a long way in healthy re-connection. 
  • Appreciating. Practice gratitude – there is endless scientific evidence to show just how far a little gratitude can go with increasing happiness.  

Just breathe  

Stress, anxiety, feelings of panic, failure and being overwhelmed are not uncommon right now, given that there are so many uncertainties about what the future might hold for health, relationships, personal finances and job security.  

There are no easy cure-alls but with a healthy mind you will be in a much better space to deal with these pressures. Take a moment today to explore some of the free meditation and mindfulness help that is available online here and here. [links – 

Self-spa days  

We can’t get a facial right now… but you can do one at home!  

  • Zoe Foster is a mum so many of us love to love. Her enviable lifestyle with two children and a super funny husband hasn’t stopped her from being totally relatable, which makes her skin care tutorials so inspiring. You can find her at-home facial tutorial here.
  • There’s nothing like a new hairstyle to lift the spirits. If budget and safety concerns mean you’re sticking with home treatments, you might like this series of helpful home haircare tutorials here.
  • Self-image is a powerful thing and if you want the Mother’s Day In Iso snaps in the album or your insta account to project a more glamorous you, try Hilary Duff’s Busy Mum Makeup Routine

Laughter is the best medicine  

Laughter really is the best medicine and there’s plenty of science to prove it. Mentally it’s a great way to relieve stress and tension but it also can improve the immune system, relieve pain, increase personal satisfaction and improve your mood.  

So put on a funny movie, whatever tickles your fancy or maybe just take a minute or two to see who Australia’s funniest mum Celeste Barber has found to mimic this Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day from the team at Creative Garden!  

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